Monday, July 21, 2008

All Worth It

On Saturday night I had a call from Jack, one of the students who had come to paint "Stormy Skies" in class that day.
At the end of class I had said to him that the painting would look good in one of the black frames he had previously bought from me--well evidently he went home and put it in one of the frames and he was gobsmacked at the effect---thus the phone call to tell me!

I get calls from students very often, telling me that friends and relations don't believe that they have painted the pictures taken home by them-indeed we have had some paintings disfigured by people who don't belive that the person concerned could have painted such a brilliant painting in just 4 hours!
Several times now I have had calls from students upset because of finger marks where people have touched to see if the painting is wet-we have been able to rectify the problem each time thank goodness!

I only supply 2 different colour frames-a blond wood frame and a black one.
I find that these suit 99% of the paintings we do in class.
If any of the students want another colour I can get that for them for the following week.
The cost is just £12.

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