The ones we have been using in class come from the large supermarket chain Lidl and at the moment they have the sets back in at just £1.99 for 5 of the modelling brush sets which is great value as Ive seen them for sale for nearly £5 each on some websites.
I did manage to get a few sets from the Hereford store-but there are stores in the Shrewsbury and Kidderminster areas too-I know a lot of my students come from those areas and read my blog so hope you manage to get some!
They have a lot of art materials on offer this week-pretty sure the art stuff finishes on Wednesday--they had fan brushes and a mixture of flats and rounds as well-all for just £1.99.
They also had some canvas there but I haven't tryed them so cant recommend them as being good, but for the price they are sure to be popular-I think they were about £4.99 for 2 quite big ones.
I would be inclined to prime them first with some acrylic paint first before trying any of my techniques on them as some of the cheaper canvas can be a bit absorbent I'm told by some students who paint at home!
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