We havent long got back from Marden (Hereford)WI where we have been
to do a demonstration of encaustic art. the evening went brilliantly!
Photos to follow.
Its the second time over to Herford in one day---Bill had to go to the hospital for a biopsy on a growth on his thumb, so we were up early to go there today!
That means that Bill has been let off washing up duties for a few days!
Got back and loaded the car for tonight.
Yesterday we were on the market , and as soon as the market finished we had to go to a meeting about the markets future-the council want to change the layout of the market which none of the traders want.
I have been busy all week getting some new paintings done-am really pleased with them-got lots of computing to catch up on, loads of photos to edit and put on here.
I had a call yesterday to confirm that we will be at Welland Steam Show for 3 days 23rd,24th,and 25th of July,
so we have got a few jobs to get done on the caravan, as we will be going down the night before to set up.
We will be staying on site, so we are looking forward to that, meeting up with friends old and new.
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