Thursday, November 23, 2006

up-date on Sparky

Poor Sparky has been back to the vets today, we found another bite on his leg that has become badly infected--how I dont know, he has had 2 anti-biotic injections and has been on 2 tablets a day as well. He has to go back to the vet in the morning to have his leg opened up and washed out with peroxide--YUKKK .
Then to add insult to injury Paddy the parrot flew from his cage(First time he's been allowed out of his cage since Sparky's been poorly, cos Sparkys been lying on sofa) claws out like some bird of prey and lands on the poor cat. Back in cage very swift I can tell you!!
Will post latest on Sparky tomorrow.

What with my friends news and the cat I havent felt like painting much today, I have done a bit tonight, had to alter some of the commission I am doing for Keith, I feel it is a lot better with the new changes, I will post the complete work from start to finish when it is finished and safely in Keiths home.

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