I cant believe that its 2 years today since we had our Jake.
We have had such fun with him.
The house is always filled with laughter as the little monster copies and makes things up all day long!
We have been entertained for the past couple of days with Jake singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, laughing like the pet sitter Jeannie, making sounds like playing the drums that our friend Phil has taught him and making farting noises ( don't know where hes got that from!)
As soon as he gets a reaction from us he remembers and keeps doing it-sometimes he changes a bit-but it always makes sense.
They are complex creatures-African greys- they defiantly cant be called bird brain at all !
Jake also has the most incredible hearing-I can pick up the phone in the kitchen and start to dial the number and he is shouting "Hello" "Hello".And as soon as Bill mentions going into town he says "Bye-see you later"
Its so funny when one of us comes into the front room first thing in the morning to uncover the birds and open the curtains you hear a little voice say "Who's come?"
When he spots Sparky cat outside the patio window he shouts "come on Sparky, come on , quick quick" Poor Sparky has got used to it now but at first you could see the puzzlement on his face when he realised the bird was calling him!
Jake copies all the wild birds songs-and when he is outside on the patio he starts coo cooing like the doves when they land on the birdtable.
Our other bird Paddy who is an Orange tipped amazon dosent talk as such but he does respond back to us using the same noises-sometimes it sounds likes he is trying to talk but he will never be a as good a talker as our Jake.We dont love him any less though!