Monday, March 04, 2013

Winter Wonderland Workshop

Beautiful job you have made of your painting Alison...
There are always some people who come to class who are completely convinced they wont be able to paint--Allison was one of them--she said she came because she thought it would be a  laugh!  However as the day went on she became more and more serious about her painting--although we all still had a laugh...of course! I spoke to her on Facebook earlier this evening and she said all her family were impressed with her painting!
Georgie came along with her mum Allison --she followed my instructions really well....
Doreen came along for the first time with her daughter Sue-who had been once before! She was completely convinced she would not be able to paint a picture....but surprised herself  completely bless her..

Vivien seemed to find this one quite easy...but it is her 4th one....

Oriel--what can I say but well done! Oriel said when she came into the room that she hadn't got an artistic bone in her body....but it looks like she has got herself a new hobby now! She knew exactly what she wanted to do--and she didn't want a fence or tree in her painting--so she used the wiping out tool to make a delicate little bush in the corner of her painting--all without being shown by me how to do so! I should have had a close up of it--it was quite beautiful.

Will came along with Alison for the 2nd time...they are getting married soon and I will be attending her hen party and all the hens will be painting their own pictures-so they will all have something to remember the event by!

Sue with her painting-she wanted more purple/mauve tones--it isn't showing up great on the photo,,,but she achieved what she wanted..

Mo....I loved her painting...

getting down to it...

Allison managed to get black paint everywhere...I told her she isn't a proper artist until she has paint on her face!

Tracey--she made a beautiful job of her picture--shape of the pond was great--that can be the hardest thing to do ibn this workshop---its so easy to go symmetrical when painting them..but everyone did very well today, some lovely random shaped ponds! Some of my photos have not come put again so if you are missing off todays blog--I'm sorry!

all so very different.. 

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