Monday, December 13, 2010


I'm off to the osteopath again tomorrow for another session of manipulation..I went on Friday and Kevin did me the world of good--I was completely pain free yesterday from the sciatica that has been bothering me for weeks.
It played up a bit today mainly due to getting in and out of the car a few times-so am hoping that Kevin can work his magic again tomorrow!
 I'm on the market again on Wednesday and again  next week (Wed) -last time before Christmas and the last time until the end of March// beginning of April--depending on the weather!
Must say I'm looking forward to the break from the market--it was -8 last week and it was a long day-brrrrrrrr
Yesterday was warmer up there , but not by much---had lots of bookings and the gift vouchers have gone so well I had to get another 50 printed in a hurry!

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