The weather was cold,foggy and miserable when we went down to the market yesterday--proper hop picking morning as they say around these parts!
However by 10.30am the sun burnt through the cloud and fog and it became a lovely day.
There were lots of tourists around, and it was lovely chatting with the many people who stopped by the stall to watch me painting.
My greetings cards were selling out quickly-and I had to stop and email Lin who does them for me with a list of what I needed done asap again!
We have a lot of busy events coming up over the next week or so--Saturday we are at the Craven Arms Art Walk--Sunday we are down in the college doing the famous Ludlow Food and Drink festival craft fair-Wednesday we are back on the market and the next weekend we are at the Michaelmas Fair at Bishops Castle--so will need a good stock of cards for them all!
Lin -bless her-works hard to keep me stocked up with cards but I now try to email her as I get short of a particular design so I dont suddenly ask her to do 100 cards at 2 days notice--like I have in the past!
That was working well till yesterday when I suddenly seem to sell out of 7 or 8 designs in a matter of an hour or so.....
Then along came a chap who was visiting Ludlow with his parents--they stopped by the stall and his mum bought a card of the Two Cats In The Tree that really caught her eye- he then noticed the original painting hanging in the stall and asked the price..
after going for lunch they came back and he bought the painting--and we spent ages chatting with them all which was lovely..
When we got back from Alverly WI last night there was a phone message from Anthony who had bought the painting asking if another painting he had spotted was still available off my website-as it would be a good match for the one he had already bought that day.
So he is coming over from Warwick to pick it up either Sunday or Wednesday.
So another great week for sales--Ive got one to finish tomorrow-will post it on here when its done!
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