Ive been busy over the past couple of days doing a commission for Angela.She wanted a bright vibrant painting along the lines of my previously sold "Fire In The Sky". Its on a large 100cm x 80 cm canvas.
The pics show the various stages the painting has gone through.
I used a lot of Cadium colours,Red, dark and light hues,orange, yellow , also yellow ochre, and black.
Yesterday I did all the underpainting and today I reddened it all up, as Angela wanted it in reds and cerise.Ive left some orange to keep the firey appearence to the sky.
Its almost finished now, just need to give it a tickle tomorrow to get rid of any brush marks and then just wait for it to dry!
OMG thts fantastic!!
Trés beau travail
J'aime ces couleurs, beau travail
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