Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Its funny how money comes in one hand and goes out with the other!!
I recieved payment for some canvas I sold and then Bill decided that we needed some new stands for doing the craft fairs!
To be fair the old ones were getting tatty-but then they have done 3 years of being lugged around the country in a trailer to various fairs, and we couldnt get them in the caravan!!!
they will need to fit through the kitchen window of the caravan for transporting, cant use the trailer with the caravan!

So we have been off to the local builders merchants and bought the wood, Bill will be busy over the next few days making them.
Its a lot of work when you are a perfectionist like Bill.When he has made them they will have to be painted black and varnished to protect them.
The cost of the wood was exactly what the canvas cost , so no hardship really.And they will look great!

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