Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Spring is Coming!

We have had an enjoyable morning watching a hen blackbird backwards and forwards with all manner of nesting materials! She is making her nest in a very clever place--in the thick ivy that grows around our bird table next to the pond!You can see some of the longer bits of grass sticking out of the ivy!

It should be safe from the cat there and we will keep the net over the pond for longer than usual in case the baby birds fall out!!It really feels like spring is on its way at last.
Last year we had a family with 4 baby wrens in the summer house or 'the bandstand' as Bill calls it.
It was great to go down the garden and sit quietly and see their little heads appear for the food.

This year the bandstand has a very welcome addition--a fridge for all the nice alcholic drinks we have when friends and family come around to our famous BBQ's!
Cant wait to be cooking my banana and bacon kebabs that go down a storm with everyone!
We have had a lovely new large silver fridge in our kitchen,complete with wine rack, so the old one will come in handy this year just for the drinks!!!!!

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