Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sparky In the Wars AGAIN!!!!!

Poor Sparky has been in the wars again. We were watching TV last night when we heard such a commotion upstairs in our bedroom--we rushed up to find a big black tom cat fighting with Sparky having followed him in through the bedroom window--there was fur everywhere and the snarling and spitting was horrible, Bill tryed to shift the stray cat out and both Sparky and other cat fell fighting off the roof.
Poor Sparky couldnt walk hardly today so off to vet first thing for him. He's had the usual jabs and goes back on Thursday.
He hasnt been the same cat since he was attacked and badly hurt in NOV/DEC . He lost all his patch to other cats. He has been hissing and spitting at everyone since-- a very unhappy cat. The vet has reccomended a new product--its a plug in for cats. It releases a pheromone that makes them happy, got to be worth a try!!!.

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