Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sparkys on the mend...

For the first time Sparkys eye is shining when there is light on has been completely opaque until now, so that's a good sign that its getting better! He went to see the specialist at the vet eye hospital on Tuesday and after a thorough examination he has been prescribed Interferon drops, human anti-viral tablets and anti-viral cream too.He is feeling better in his self-he is playing like a kitten at times--he is now nearly 11 years old---but being kept in as a house cat now he needs to get some exercise or he will get too fat!
Fast asleep after playing with his toy mouse,,,
I put the aloe vera plant in the bath to water it--and Sparky soon followed---he is a bugger for chewing up all my house plants....
is that a guilty face or not ? I think so!
One of Sparkys favourite games if fetching a rolled up lottery ticket and dropping it in Bills slippers....
then he likes to roll them under the furniture so we have to get them out--I swear he laughs to himself watching us do it for him.We are so relieved he seems to be getting better though---its been a stressful time for all of us..back to the eye hospital on Wednesday for a checkup.Our local vet saw him on Friday and he said the eye looked 50% better and it looks better since then so hopefully he has turned the corner now.His shoulder had healed up beautifully, don't know when we will be letting him go out again though--the black cat we suspect is bullying him is still around the area..lets hope he finds another one to pick on and leaves our Sparky alone when he does go out!

1 comment:

TC said...

It's great that Sparky feels better. Lovely cat:)