Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cottage Of Content

We are having a lovely time in Bidford on Avon with all our friends off the camping forum.
The site is beautiful-very peaceful and clean.
we were woken this morning by the sound of hot air ballons taking off nearby-we stood and watched then go over the site barely above some of the caravans!
We have been into Wellsbourne to the big market on the airfield and then called by the boot sale at the racecourse.
At the meoment we are sitting in the pub-Cottage of Content having shared a ploughmans with Bill--the cold pint of larger is going down nicely--
we are all having a big BBQ and party tonight to celebrate Pixierockets 52 nd birthday--
the sun is shining and we are off back to the caravan for a lie down before the celebrations begin this evening!

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