Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Sparky---memories

Sparky with his sister Fizz...my sister Sharon had her...and a week later went on holiday , so we said we would have Fizz here with Sparky---would you believe that they had forgotten each other and they scrapped and scrapped! I rang Sharon in a panic and said we would have to take Fizz home as I was worried they would kill each other! They calmed down eventually and must of realised they were brother and sister!
Sparky disco dancing!!!
He stopped being a lap cat when he reached 6 months old--he hated being held or cuddled bless him....he went a sstill as a board when we picked him up-tail would be out staight and he would stickhis front legs into you as if to say please put me down....but he loved it when he was little...
Merry Christmas Sparks..
Ah Bless...
He loved Christmas...
This was the very first mouse he caught that we knew of... the first of many!!! Wouldn't mind a quid for every mouse and vole he has-besides the rabbits he bought home!
Chasing the squirrel here up the tree...
he did get into some states when he was asleep...
Fizz and Sparky went to sleep on the stairs after fighting all morning....the stairs were always Sparkys territory...and everyone went very carefully if he was near the stairs or you would get a clip off him or even a bite if you were unlucky...his favourite game was to hide round the corner at top of stairs and pounce out when you got near the top---then he would spit , hiss and growl at you and try and swipe you one..then he ran in our bedroom behind the door and would leap out and do it again,,,,,,little bugger!
this was the only time he slept in that bed!!!!!! Lost count of the amount of beds he was bought  and he never used them!
Sparks and his beloved Dad....what a huge hole that cat has left in our lives...we sat in here last night and really missed the door being pushed open and Sparks walking in-we always said to him "Shut the bloody door Spark" he would just saunter over to where Bill had his legs up on the pouffee look at Bill as if to say "come on then shift yourself", and of course Bill being the softy he is would always move his legs for him to get on there...he ruled the bloody roost bless him.. Then a soon as we had got up and shut the door he would want to go out again and would pull the door and go out leaving it open again!

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