Monday, March 31, 2008

Class of June 14th "Poppy Field"

Again back by popular demand 'Poppy Field'
This popular painting subject always has amazing results -even with first time students.
If you would like to join this class please get in touch via the website

Class For June 21st "Summer Day"

Back by very popular demand 'Summer Day' is one of the most popular paintings that we do in class.
The changes can be rung in many different ways and it is always very successful even with first time students.
The painting always turns out different in every class-as usual!
Each person interprets what I show and tell them in the step by step sections differently.
Each person will paint their sky different to the next person , as with the sea and the beach, when it comes to doing the foreground flowers, its lovely to see the confidence emerging from even first time artists as they paint a variety of flowers from poppies to daisies.
If you would like to join this class please get in touch via the website

Class for Saturday July 5th "Forest Pool"

This is a new class subject "Forest Pool" is painted onto a black canvas which makes it less nerve racking for total beginners !!
Its a lovely atmospheric picture.
I have been working on some new subjects for some time, the photograph of this one is not brilliant as the painting is still wet.I will take another one later when its dry.
If you would like to join the class to do this painting, please get in touch via the website
I sure the places will get booked up quite quickly.

Sundays Craft Fair

After the awful weather on Saturday and during the night we were not sure whether we would be going to do the Craft market or not until we woke up and saw what the weather looked like on Sunday morning.
After losing an hour's sleep with the clocks going on the last thing we wanted was to start unloading and getting soaked!
However the morning was bright and the sky was blue, so we decided to chance it.I'm so glad we did.
We had a lovely day, several of my students called by to see us for a chat too which was lovely.
One of them ,Kay took the opportunity to book up for another 2 classes.
Chris and Pauline who had attended yesterdays class,also booked up for May too.
It stayed lovely and sunny all day, there was a steady stream of visitors to Ludlow,and some locals were mooching too.
All in all we had a good day, we seem to get quicker setting up the stall-we were done by 9am.Its been as late as 10.30 sometimes but we have got it off to a fine art now!
We know how many paintings we can fit on the stands and roughly where they will go.
I like to have all the class subjects together so I can explain to potentual students the sort of thing they will be able to paint when they come to class.Then all the other paintings, that I dont teach can be displayed together.It works very well, but I leave the hanging of them to Bill-he gets them up nice and straight--unlike me!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Reiki Healing

My dear friend Jan is starting up her Reiki practise very soon.
You wil be able to book a one and half hour session with her to "heal,harmonise and balance your life".
Its the most amazing experience , Ive never felt so relaxed and invigorated at the same time ever!
The atmosphere is amazing-so relaxing , calming music and sweet scented air. And of course Jan is so calming with her manner you will feel relaxed before you even get on the bed to begin your reiki treatment.Jan can work hands on or hands off. I must admit the hands on way was great for me--to feel the heat from Jans hands was unreal to be honest,you cant describe the feeling. When I came round(Im sure I dropped off twards the end!) I didnt want to move-felt like I could sleep for a week, then after a while I had so much energy it was unreal.That stayed with me for some time.
I went into it with an open mind and came out very impressed.Wanting a top up session now!
Its also the best value at just £30 per session.
She will be practising at Clements in Tenbry Wells from April 29th. To be sure of a place please give Jan a ring on 07837 939797.

Special Students

Today was a special day for 3 of my students.I had decided that my advanced students needed some recognition of the fact.So Mandy Jack and Jan (who called by the class after me asking her to) were all chuffed with their artists badges that I presented them with.
The little lady artist badge complete with easel and paints are for my female students and the palette badge complete with brushes and paint tubes are for my male students.
Its just a token gift of my appreciation.
All of my students who attend at least 6 times will recieve their badges.
Jack has taken Yvonnes home with him as she couldnt attend today.I have a few more to give out at the next advanced class.

Todays class

We were minus one student today--Yvonne had to work.Im sure she would have rather been painting!
We had a mixed lot of students today,
Sam who had been once before bought along her mother in law who hadn't done anything like this before.
Pauline and her hubby had been once before and Jack and Mandy have been quite a few times.
Right from the start you could see that the paintings were going to turn out very different to each other.
As soon as the surgical gloves(Supplied by me to protect their hands) went on and they picked up their natural sponges, the paintings all evolved in different ways.Jack had several spooky faces appear in his pic straight away--he always laughs at me picking them out!
But soon everyone was spotting faces of trolls and all sorts of things in the paint!We had a a great laugh as usual in the class.
The pathways all went in different directions which made it very interesting.
The trees were a bit scary for some of the students to do, but everyone soon settled sown and when it came to the splattering part, we ended up in fits of laughter! I ended up with black spotted boobs, and feet after some of the splattering went wrong when I was holding the plate with the paint on (thanks Gwen!!) But everyone soon got the hang of it in the end!
When it came to the finishing touches-adding the foxgloves with the encaustic pen --there were lots of nerves , but again after a few practise runs on some card everyone produced some great foxgloves.
I had previously ordered some acrylic varnish from the SAA, as I knew we had some acrylic classes coming up.
All acrylic paintings benifit from a couple of coats of varnish to bring out the colours and protect them.
I am happy to supply the varnish at cost price from the SAA to my students.
Pauline and Chris also went away with the SAA joining forms, catalogue and a free copy of Paint magazine.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Changes In the Garden

There are going to be some big changes to the garden.Bill has decided that its not worth trying to grow vegetables on the bottom level of the garden.Its such a lot of work and the results were quite disappointing last year.So he is going to turn it into a flower garden instead.We have been and bought a lovely weeping willow tree and loads of plants to put in, but the first major job is to make some new steps down to the level, like the ones we have from the first level to the second.The original steps are very steep and I didn't like going up and down them.So Bill is going to make some new ones.The bricks and concrete have been delivered and its just a matter of getting it done now.Its not a quick job but it will be lovely when its done.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Latest Commission

I will begin working on my latest commission tomorrow.
I have been asked to paint "Trio Of Sunflowers" on a bigger canvas,I thought I would have to order a canvas in to start with then discovered that I already had some here--you have got to see my spare room --there are hundreds of blank canvas in there in all shapes and sizes.The size I wanted was hidden away behind some others!
I'm going to paint it on a 100cm x80 cm.
I'm really looking forward to starting this one tomorrow.
As usual I will email Debbie each stage for approval, before going to the next stage.
Its an interesting painting to do-quite difficult to get the 3D effect, but I love a challenge and as its done in acrylic there is no waiting a long time for it to dry in between stages.

Easter Babysitting

We had our little grandaughter Hollie to stay on Sunday night.She just loves it in the kitchen sink as you can see! Its much easier to bath her in there than to empty the bath of the oil paintings that are drying in there! Good job we have 2 bathrooms though!
Once she settled at 10:30 pm we didnt hear her til 8am.But we both slept lightly,listening out for her!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Palette With A Difference!!!

we called on Bills sister this morning and she happened to mention that when she and her daughter Mary-Jane called at the local garden centre the other day they spotted in the sale section a garden ornament with a painting palette on it.
As its only a minutes drive from her home we called there on our way home and to my surprise it was still there! I loved it.
It was reduced from £29 down to just £9 so it was an absolute bargain!
A beautiful painted Wellington boot with toadstools and flowers and a painting palette complete with brushes and paint brushes. There are 2 places to put plants on it.
Its too nice to put outside so for now its in our front room with a couple of house plants on it.
What a good job Maureen mentioned it!

A Litttle Gem

I found this gem on a forum I use--it makes a lot of sense!

A professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes".
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and pour the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now" said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognise that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are important things- your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favourite passions - and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full."
"The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car".
"The sand is everything else- the small stuff. if you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you."
"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Class Cancelled

I made the decision yesterday to cancel today's Winter Wonderland class.
The weather forecast was absolutely awful and as the people who were coming had a far distance to travel I was happier cancelling than risking them travelling.
When I spoke to them they said it was fine, they were getting nervous about the trip anyway.
This is only the second time I have done this in 4 years, but better safe than sorry.
I am re-booking them into another class in May, I have no spaces left until then.

So I am having a lazy day, catching up on the website updating-have joined another 2 sites to sell my paintings on and am going to take a look at the local art society exhibition later today.
Its blowing a gale here today and the radio have been giving out weather warnings and telling people not to travel unless its necessary, so I know I made the right desion to cancel the class.


I had a lovely birthday yesterday, I received lots of lovely cards (and emails) and pressies from family and friends.
Bill bought me some Armani Code perfume and I also had a lovely surprise when I opened the front door to find a beautiful bouquet being delivered from him too, they are absolutely beautiful.
I had more lovely flowers off my sister and daughter too, so have run out of vases now!
I have been thoroughly spoiled by everyone.!!!
Bill cooked a delicious meal in the evening for us to round off the perfect day!

Dilwyn WI Thursday March 20th

We were at Dilwyn WI on Thursday evening doing the usual demonstration,there were lots of questions from the audience during the demo, as several of the ladies were already artists.
One of the ladies went away with a free copy of 'Paint' magazine and the catalogue and joining forms for the SAA of I am a Professional Associate of the SAA (Society for All Artists) which means I carry their endorsement as a tutor and demonstrator.
For just £22 a year you recive high discounts on art materials, a bi-monthly Paint magazine and lots of other goodies.You can also enter their yearly art comptition.Well worth joining. The postage and packing is free if you are a member and they deliver the next day as a rule.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Highley WI

We had a lovely time on Tuesday evening with the ladies of Highley WI.
We got there in plenty of time and set up the display stands and table.
Im never sure what people are expecting when they are told they are going to see an oil painting demonstration-it always turns out that they are totaly amazed at how laid back the talk and demos are.The paintings take shape so quickly that people cant belive it!
The usual oohhhs and aaaahhhhs and amazing's came thick and fast when the finished paintings were handed round for closer inspection after I had finished!!!
The winner of the draw chose the waterfall painting and i donated the "Summer Day" painting to the WI. They support the "Fast Response" and will use the money raised fromthe painting to help this worthy cause.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

News Letter

I have been asked by several customers if I will produce a regular newsletter to show people my latest paintings and also with details of classes that are coming up in the future.
I shall be sending the first one out at the weekend. If you want to be added to my mailing list please email me on

Monday, March 17, 2008

Im In House And Home Ideas Magazine!!!

I had some great news this morning.One of my artworks is featured in April 2008 Interior Design magazine "House and Home Ideas"
"Get A Wobble On" is described as --- 80s REVIVAL: Fab for a geometric scheme.
The painting is part of my Manic series which has proved to be very popular.

Thanks to Ros who runs the Affordable British Art site that was featured in there.

The site is great for anyone looking to buy affordable art, its very easy to navigate and easy for someone like me who is not the most computer literate of people to put paintings on to sell.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bets Commission

At last Bets painting will be on its way to her! She commissioned this painting ages ago, I painted it straight away, and added some daisies detail to the bottom of it a short time after.
It refused to dry!!!I got it off the wall to pack and send last week only to find that the daises were still not quite dry, so a quick email to Bet to apologise and tell her it would be this week instead.
Well its dry at last and Bill has packed it up ready to be sent by special delivery in the morning.
Its a special gift for her hubbys birthday at the weekend.

Its a busy month for birthdays in March.I have sold 2 paintings for birthday presents this month, both are a complete surprise-one more so than the other-I will let you into the secret after the event!

Its my birthday and our wedding anniversary on Friday and still got to sort out a present for Bill yet.
Cant belive its 7 years since we got married!.
They say life begins at 40 and in my case it did. I got married on my 40th birthday-and they have been the happiest 7 years of my life!

Path Through Birch Tree Woods

Here is my latest piece of art that I have been working on during the past week. I have had a free day today , so have been able to concentrate on finishing this work.
Each of the 3 canvas measures 20 cm x 60 cm so its 60cm x60 cm in total.
However it looks at its best when the canvas are hung a couple of cm apart so you can see the detail on the sides of the canvas.
My monochrome collection has proved very popular over the past year.
They look great against any colour wall, in any room.They suit today's contemporary home or the more traditional home.
The paintings will be coated in 3 coats of high quality artists varnish before posting.The price of these paintings is £200
They will be ready to post after this Wednesday March 19Th.
The P+P in UK is included in the price .If you are outside the UK please get in touch via the website

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dusting !!!!

Ive nicked this off one of the artists forums that Im on--sums it all up really! lifes too short to dust!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Remember...a layer of dust protects the Wood beneath it.

A house becomes a home when you can write 'I love you' on the

I used to spend at least 8 hours every weekend making sure things were
just perfect - 'in case someone came over'
Finally I realized one day that no-one came over; they were all out
living life and having fun!
NOW, when people visit, I don't have to explain the 'condition' of my

They are more interested in hearing about the things I've been doing
while I was away living life and having fun.
If you haven't figured this out yet, please heed this advice.

Life is short. Enjoy it!

Dust if you must ......

but wouldn't it be better to paint a picture or write a letter,
bake bikkies or a cake and lick the spoon or plant a seed, ponder the
difference between want and need?!
Dust if you must,but there's not much time . . . .

with beer to drink , rivers to swim and mountains to climb,
music to hear and books to read, friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must,

but the world's out there with the sun in your eyes,
the wind in your hair,
a flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
This day will not come around, again.

Dust if you must ,
but bear in mind, old age will come and it's not kind. . .

And when you go - and go you must - you, yourself will make more dust!

Class of March 15th

Today's class was something of a family affair-- We had Mr Derby of Old Barn Print, Stanton Road,Ludlow who does all my printing needs for me--posters, leaflets etc ,along with his wife Marion, daughter Jeanna and a friend of Marions- Jan.

Marion and Jan had seen me at one of the local WI demos that I did last year and decided they fancied a go!

It was a very laid back class as usual, after a coffee and some chocolate biscuits to start , we got stuck in to painting.

Everyones painting became very individual to them straight away as always happens.
Peter was quite bold with his use of colour while his daughter was quite light-handed with it.
Jan seemed the most nervous of the four of them, but settled down quickly!!.

When it came to painting the hills, Marions took on the appearance of the Welsh Coast while Peters was most distinctly Mediterranean.
Everyone had fun with the painting knife, it took some getting the hang of to get the pressure and angles right with it but everyone got there in the end.As I told them all -"its not something you have come across before,so it will take some practise to use it easily." Once we sorted out the angle to hold it , everything went well.
Its amazing to see how different the waves turn out, when the paint is pulled from the back of the wave with the fan brush it really shapes up!!
Marion decided to paint marigolds in her painting as a change from poppies, while the other tree did some beautiful poppies in theirs.
Peters grasses turned into wild onion heads bobbing around in the breeze, very effective and in keeping with his bold colour and style.
Everyone went away happy with their "Summer Day " Paintings.
Unfortunatly the weather decided to pour down at the end of class so we had an interesting 10 mins with 2 big unberellas , transporting paintings to the car! It was interesting to see that none of the students bothered about getting wet, just worried about their paintings getting wet!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Garden

Bill has decided that the garden has got to be changed to easy maintenance, so we have been out buying new plants to go in it. There is all manner of plants and bulbs been bought to go in.
The main feature is going to be this beautiful weeping willow tree.We are going to put it down on the bottom level off the garden surrounded by some pretty heathers.
We are still going to have the tomatoes and cucumbers but the rest of the veg garden is going to be turned into a pretty low care flower garden.

Mandy's Winter Wonderland

Mandy came for her one to one today.She was to join the class of Saturday March 22nd but had to cancel that because of other commitments.
YOu can see how her painting progressed step by step.
It was the second time that she had painted on a black canvas, the first being a waterfall painting some time ago.
It seemed strange to her to be putting transparent paint onto a black canvas because she couldnt see where the paint had covered.
As soon as we started to add the white paint, the atmospheric sky started to appear,then we went on to add the bushes and trees then the snow.
The pond was soon done using the fan brush and the tickling brush.The reflection of the main tree was added and then we were ready for the finishing touches ,the broken fences in the forground and the moon with some little clouds drifting across it.
She was chuffed to bits with the finished result!
We wil be seeing her again very shortly in the Birch tree walk class on March 29th

Picture on a Plate

We went out for a lovely meal last night with Jan and John.We went to The Travellers Rest just outside Craven Arms. We had discovered the great food there last week and were keen to try it out again with friends.
Again the food was fantastic.
John and Bill had the creamed onion soup while Jan and myself try ed the sticky ribs and salad to start.It was all very tasty-we had to try the boys soup -just to make sure it was ok for them of course!
The main course was a carvery, Bill and I chose the pork and Jan and John had the beef.The choice of veg was really good-the chef came out and pointed out the garlic potatoes which we all tyred-along with the roast parsnips, broccoli,new spuds, carrot and swede mash , peas!
We were all pretty stuffed but decided to try a pudding each! Bill and Jan had the fruits of the forest cheesecake, John had the rum and raisin cheesecake and I opted for the trio of melon.As you can see it was beautifully presented and it really was a picture on a plate! Tasted delicious too!
I think this will become a regular haunt for us somehow!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Space in Class "Summer Day"

I have one space left for this Saturdays class "Summer Day" sat march 15th
This is one of the most popular paintings that we do in class.
I have had a cancellation due to ill health.

If you are interested in joining this class please get in touch via the site.
This painting is suitable for everyone -even first timers.

Space in Class "Winter Wonderland"

I still have some spaces in the class of Saturday March 22ND which is Easter Saturday.
The painting shown is just another variation of "Winter Wonderland"
There is scope to create very different versions of this snowy picture.
I will show all the different things you can do during the class.
This is what makes all the paintings so individual in the end.Its a simple painting to do as it starts on a black background--far less scarey than a white one!

The painting is suitable for all abilities.
If you would like to join me in this class please get in touch via the

Space in Class "Eternal Dawn"

There is one place left for the class of April 5th.
I have had an unexpected cancellation for "Eternal Dawn"
If you would like to join this class please get in touch via the website
This painting is suitable for all students from 1st timers to more experienced artists.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Some great news recived today--Jan --my great friend is going to be starting up her Reiki practise at Clements Beauty and Natural Health Clinic in Teme Street , Tenbry.
She will be there on Tuesday 29th April , Wednesday 30th April and Thursday 1st May.

Jan charges just £30 per session and its the best £30 you will spend!!!!!!

Its the most relaxing experience Ive ever had.The tranquil music in the background helps relax you, and when you feel the heat from Jans hands as she works from top to bottom of your body, its very easy to drift away-I dropped off to sleep towards the end of my session, but when Jan gently woke me up I felt so relaxed it was unreal, then afterwards I had sooo much energy it was great!

It balances your body and your mind!
Give Jan a ring on 07837939797 to book your session which lasts aprox one and a half hours.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Yorkshire Student

I have a new student coming to Ludlow next month all the way from Yorkshire.
Joyce is travelling down by train to Ludlow to attend my advanced students class and also to have some one to one sessions.
I have found her some great accommodation at a nearby B+B.
I will be collecting Joyce from the station on the Friday she arrives.
We will be doing a one to one here on Friday evening, and sorting out the painting supplies she wants to buy-brushes etc.
Saturday she is joining the class at our usual venue and then on Sunday and Monday she will be having a one to one with subjects of her own choice.
We are really looking forward to meeting her.

I have students coming to me from all over the country these days,most of them find me through word of mouth or via the website.
The feedback suggests that being able to see the results that students have achieved in my classes via the photos on the snaps pages on the site goes a long way.
They can see REAL PEOPLE with REAL PAINTINGS-Its one of the highlights of the class to get everyone lined up with their masterpieces for the photos to be taken, everyone goes home and checks that Ive got the photos on the site.They then call all the distant relatives and faraway friends to have a look too!
When I check my stats each evening I can see whos been looking at the site and whose relatives have had the call!!
Very interesting stuff!


The weather was fine today so we decided to go and have a look at leominster boot sale.I picked up some bargains there! I spoted a lovely paperweight on a stall and asked the price-(Im always after pretty paperweights to use when on the open air craft fairs to hold my flyers down) the lady said its a £1.00 but you have to have all the rest of the matching stuff with it! Its all cut crystal-2 wine glasses,brandy glass,tumbler,plate and 2 bowls as well as the paperweight.Ok so its not a full set , but its all beautifuly engraved with the humming bird and flowers.It has a lovely ring on it when you tap the glass.So I had everything for just a quid!
ALso picked up some charming little crystal animals too, they came complet with a mirror base to sit on.
Also another art book-this time a watercolour one--I might get chance to read it sometime!!


I havent had the finishing results yet but my son Jim finished the rally at WEston Park today. The car ran brilliant, a previous over heating problem he had was sorted out and he was chuffed to bits with his performance today.
He is out celebrating with all his rallying mates tonight!

Saturday, March 08, 2008


We want to wish my son Jim the best of luck for tomorrow--he is rallying at Weston Park in his Skoda Favorit rally car.He has got his all time favorite navigator with him --Steve Gould--- so should do really well!
He hasn't had this car out before so its fingers crossed that it all works as planned!
He has worked very hard on this car,after a break of almost 2 years. We hope the weather holds for him and he has a safe, fun day there.

Todays Class"African Dream"

I decided to take 3 different paintings to the class today. All using the same colours, all on the same theme.
All very contemporary paintings,I wanted to see how everyone would interpret what they saw, and boy was it interesting!!!!.
After having 2 last minute cancellations and having just 5 in class I couldn't wait to get started on African Dream.
Only one student-Colette wanted to do the painting on an 'upright' canvas-everyone else wanted to do the landscape one .
While we were painting Bill framed Oliver's and Colette's Summer Day painting from the last class.
It was such an interesting class to do--acrylic is sooo different to oil to use-and everyone who attended today had used oil with me.
Everyone interpreted the paintings differently today. Mandy got her first coat of paint on her canvas and it looked brilliant, didn't really need a second coat!
Everyone else let their first coat dry and then built up the layers afterwards.This was the time to take out the brush strokes, and add more definition of distant hills etc!
After we all sat down, having a cup of tea and coffee, away from the pics we all were able to pick up different things in the paintings-for example-Mandy didn't need to do anymore to her painting-it was great as it was!
Jan's needed a little water in front of it(sent Bill home for the special interference paint to do the water-good job its only a few hundreds yards away from the room!)
Barbra made a beautiful job of her painting but we all felt a little water in the front of her painting would enhance it also-so she added some too!!
Then after sitting down and looking at his pic--Oliver wanted some water in the foreground too.
They all used the gold and red interference paint and what a difference it made, shame it dosent show up in the paintings-they all look a lot redder than in real life.
Unfortunatly none of the pictures show up as good in the photos as they really are!
Its always the way with the red and orange paint, it just dosent photograph well!!
Had a lovely suprise when I got back after the class--''Acacia Tree'' has sold!
Bill had given it the final coat of varnish this morning, so it will be ready to post on Tuesday Morning for delivery on Wdnesday.
All of my paintings get 3 coats of varnish to protect them.
All my work is copyrighted with