Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mandy's Summer Day

Today Mandy came to do her one to one. She had chosen to do "Summer Day".
This painting is one of the most popular ones that I do.
We had a real laugh while painting.We had time to chat about loads of things-I gave her loads of websites to look at-some to get art materials and some for more general things.All in all a great day!
She has booked up another 7 classes for the near future, so that means that I only have space now in the "Winter Wonderland" Painting which is Saturday March 22nd --which is Easter weekend.
I will work on new class subjects and dates tomorrow and publish them on here and my website asap as I know there are many of you waiting to see what is planned!!!

1 comment:

Trine said...

Sounds like you have this spring very much covered.:-) Congrats to your student on having started a hobby that will bring her so much joy and by the sound of it no less than 8 great aintings to have on her walls.