Friday, August 04, 2017

A Day Of Coincidence...

Last week had a notification from my website that I had sold a painting called "Forest Fire" .. after speaking with Kris who had bought it, it was decided that I should post it next week when there would be someone to sign for it on delivery.  .However when I came to look for it to pack up ready we couldn't find it!        Then I remembered it was in exhibition at the Leisure Centre ,Church Stretton!         We went over this afternoon to swap it for another similar birch painting..and while we were there decided to call in at the Church Stretton Arts Festival at the school next door  where I have 3 paintings on display..   we had a quick chat with the lady on the door, she checked and said I hadn't sold anything yet and I replied " there is time yet"   

While we were looking round we heard someone say " I would like to buy these" and then heard my name mentioned! Anyway we met the lady who we had heard-she was buying them for her husbands birthday, when we  went back to the payment desk. She explained that he had spotted them and fell in love--and was going to put them in his office..   he came along a few mins later ..          So we had a lovely chat--     I know where the paintings  are going to live and they have met the artist--it really made my day and theirs !         While we were driving to Church Stretton I had an email from Angela who wants to commission me to paint a monochrome birches painting.. We spoke earlier on the phone and I am just waiting for confirmation of size etc and I will make a start on it.      My health means that it takes longer to  paint than it used to, as my arms do not move as I would like, but as long as the 'commissoner' understands that its fine,,             I was doing a bit better for a short while after being put on some new tablets, but that has gone back to square one at the moment,  well more than square one actually, had a huge flare up happen last night which rendered me pretty much unable to move had been coming on for a few days but still caught me by surprise with its ferocity.. I should be used to it by now  LOL..

Monday, July 24, 2017

Dyson Fan Donation

We took the 3 Dyson fans raised by the money from my paintings etc  up to the ward on the O'Connor unit at the Royal Shrewsbury hospital last week. The staff were very grateful for them-especially with the hot weather we had  for a while... The price has gone up a bit since I bought some last year- they are £250 each now..but there is no noise or blades to injure they are ideal for the hospital. I will continue to contribute 25% of my painting sales from my websites towards another fan..I have now donated 6 of these over the past 18 months so think I have done pretty good!

A Catch Up...

We killed two birds with one stone last month when we delivered some of my paintings to a lady who has been a collector of my work for some time now, and combined it with a short break with some good friends.. We had a break near Bude last year and always said we would like to go back.. we had a lovely time...and it was lovely to met up with Angela after all this time, and see where my paintings will be living!

I only ever painting one like the Surf one.. so its unique,,

This one has been a favourite of mine...

And I love the shades of browns in the Birches,,,

After we delivered the pictures we went on into nearby Looe,,,

Some stunning scenery around the area...

the water is so clear,,, a lovely part of the world but such a long journey!

Here is my latest set of wheels-- my Dolly Trolly.. never thought it would come to this!  But needs must and all that.. After having 7 falls in less than 6 months to say I am nervous when walking is an understatement...and I feel a lot safer with this, plus its got a seat so I can sit down when I need to..My specialist thinks I have fibromyalgia as well as polymyalgia now, which explains to an extent why the steroids have stopped working and my pain and stiffness levels have gone through the roof..the reason I have not done my blog lately is because I get so much pain when typing on computer , I have to wait for a rare 'good' day in order to do it,, and I will no doubt suffer later.. I am on some new tablets to try and help the pain- they seemed to help at first but as seems to happen every time -they stop working after a short time..but they will keep trying me on new drugs,

We said goodbye to our van Bunty a couple of weeks ago...

it was a sad day.. but we have no need for her now , and she is going to be used as a florists van in the future, and she will be well looked after,,but have to admit , I shed a few tears as they drove off in her..

I am experimenting with a new method of painting-- one that does not involve brushes or holding my arms up..

completely different to what I have been doing previously...

and I am loving the effects I am getting...

still got some more to do to this one above, but I love the colours...

so much to see ,,

love the little white heart that appeared!!   I really must try harder to keep my blog up to date, but as I said it depends on how my health is..the painkillers knock me out so nothing gets done when I have had those!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Holidays and Sales

Funny how its worked out... 7 years today we bought our Van ''Bunty'' ..and today Bill was busy peeling off the plastic sign writing ready for her to be sold on to a home that will use her instead of her being stuck on the drive doing nothing.... We will be sad to see her go-- she has served us faithfully, never let us down once.. Will make a great camper van conversion or horse box conversion.. Will post up more photos  when she is cleaned right off and 12 months MOT on her...

We  are off in the morning on holiday down to Bude  Cornwall.. we are mixing business with pleasure as we will also be delivering  4 paintings to Angela, a collector of my work in nearby St Ives..  It will be the first time we have met, having always sent the paintings via courier previously, so we are looking forward to it very much.. We are spending 4 nights in Bude then travelling back up to Weston Super Mare for 2 nights there.. Looking forward to a relaxing time away with our friends... Lol, it can't be anything other than relaxing as I can't bloody walk lots of sitting on benches people watching for me..and looking forward to chilling with a glass off wine or two back at the caravan in the evening.

I can see why she has chosen the paintings she has... most  have a coastal theme to them!

It will be lovely to see where my paintings will be 'living'

Brown birches-one of my favourites!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Grand Sale

Well the sale was a great success...we raised £800 for the O'Connor  Haematology Unit at the RSH....which considering the weather was just brilliant! The weather was defiantly against us with the first week being torrential rain..and it wasn't much better the second week with lots of showers around..Bill was a true star-- covering everything up with plastic sheets and uncovering it all every morning.. he said it was like being on the market again!  We met some lovely people from all over -including a couple from Perth--who bought a 12in x 24in Stormy Poppies oil painting-- hope they got it back OK!!! It was going in hand luggage I think...Most of the tiny paintings went and the 10in x 12in paintings too.. Plus two 36in x 36in paintings.. The Swallow Falls on the far end of the stands went to a lovely couple up the road along with another 36in x 36in one called Waters Edge

The waterfall and the  orange landscape both sold too..

This one was painted by me in the first few moths of starting to paint..lovely to think its gone to a new home--

only a couple of these left now-- they flew off the tables..

This one sold to a chap who only called to pick up some tent pegs we were selling on a FB page... it was leaning against the marquee when he pulled up and he fell in love with it--again its a very early one! 36in x 36in. So we have made quite a bit of  storage room with the sale...

I only have a handful of greetings cards left, and I shall keep those for myself.. We have been selling everything off--the marquee has gone, fold up tables gone, display stands gone,, So we are getting the garage back quietly..Next thing to go will be the van... that will be a sad day, but we have no use for it any longer...Going to get 12 months MOT on it first, Bill will take off the vinyl sign writing and she will be for sale.. My Bill has worked so hard bless him... I'm as much use as a chocolate teapot when it comes to anything physical now.. so Bill has done it all..can never thank him enough.. I am going to be painting in a new style shortly-- it does not involve brushes and should be easier to do for this space...

Sue and Richards Workshop

After having 6 months rest I decided I would try a small workshop at home.. I had my perching stool to sit on  and lowered my easel to try and help my arms.. Extra steroids, Tramadol and a liberal coating of Volterol on arms and legs and I thought I was well prepared for it..!   Sue had never painted before and hubby Richard had painted with me once a few years ago..

Although Sue insisted she wasn't in the slightest 'artistic' she followed my instructions and soon had a lovely painting.. Richard had used acrylic last time so this was completely different for him.He too soon had a lovely painting on his easel.. The time went very quickly...but I soon realised that I wasn't yet well enough to teach.

Richard adding the finishing touches to his painting here..

Well done both of you! Lovely results!   It was lovely to be teaching again ,but there is no way I can carry on teaching this year anyway..           I was in agony   afterwards and could hardly move the next day--even with taking extra tablets. The specialist has tried me on Amitriptyline and now Pregabalin, neither of them have done much at all, except knock me out cold which is not I am now looking at going back to teaching perhaps next year-- fingers crossed... In the mean time I will continue to put my work on my websites, and I will be starting some new works soon-- completely different to what I have been doing but will be easier on my arms,, watch this space..

Monday, May 22, 2017

Sale Going Well !!!!

Considering the awful weather we had last week my sale is going well...sales on line are going well too...  We are delivering 3 paintings tomorrow to a lady after I have been to the RSH to have an endoscopy....the painting above has always been one of my favourite ones.. I love the purple poppies and brown foliage..

I love the dragonflies on the above painting--they show up much better in 'real life''

and the photos of the Chocolate Poppy do not do it justice-- the centre is very 'touchy feely'' melted wax...

Ha d a call from the photographer who came to take pictures for the local paper about my sale.... he had shown his wife the photo of me holding the above photo- and when she saw it she loved it-- so he has bought it for her as a surprise....

And when we go down to Devon next month we will be delivering 4 paintings to a lovely lady who has bought off me several times before.. Stormy Skies is a big one-- 3ft x 3ft so quite big to post...and as we are on holiday nearby we have arranged to take them with us and get to meet Angela at last!

I love the colours in the Birches...

This was a one off--- quite fancy doing another one on a bigger canvas--this one is 16in x 20in

This is also another favourite one... its so tranquil...

I have reduced all of my Shabby Chic slates --they are now just £3 each or 2 for  £5

Koi Carp sold on the first day of my sale here... its encaustic wax on perspex...

these 2 went same day,,

Was happy to see a couple of  early watercolours sell to the same couple  too..

another of my watercolours went too..

Cards have sold really well... and my stand is much emptier now....

there are not that many tiny paintings left either-- but I have sorted out a load of craft/card making materials that I will not get round to using..  so if you enjoy making cards etc... there is sure to be something you will like!  Lots of bargains to be had.. and we are staying open for an extra day as it is Bank Holiday Weekend... so open all day on the Monday  instead of finishing on Sunday..  So thank you all so much for all of your support so far--- another week to go-- will be lovely to see you-and the weather forecast is looking good as well!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Fundraising Art Sale

Well after what feels like months of planning we are all set for the fund raising Art Sale for the O'Connor Haematology Unit at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.... My lovely daughter came round to help Bill put up the little marquee on our I'm unable to do much these days..
Its quite a good size,,

I have got up a good selection of paintings... all are being sold at very good prices,,,, much cheaper than on line...
as well as paintings on canvas I have found a load of original paintings on canvas paper in mounts, that are ready to frame..all shapes and sizes and mediums...

I have got lots of my miniature paintings for sale too... prices are starting at £5

I have oils, acrylics and melted wax paintings for sale..

also a couple of boxes of paintings that had no room to hang,,,

some of these paintings have not been out on display for a few years..

I'm sure there will be something for everyones taste...

this is one of my favourites,,The Sunshine After The Rain

very true.....

WE had a much needed break mid afternoon when Bill collected our little Tommy from school...

such a happy little boy... he loved supervising Bill in the marquee after LOL..

There are a few quite rare pieces of art for sale -- watercolours is a medium I never really did much of... but there are some examples that I am quite pleased with for sale...

and also some encaustic wax paintings too... each one completely unique due to the nature of the melted wax. I will also have lots of art materials for sale, brushes, oil paints, canvas, art magazines, easels.. also some button bouquets.. and even some bric a brac....

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