Monday, July 24, 2017

A Catch Up...

We killed two birds with one stone last month when we delivered some of my paintings to a lady who has been a collector of my work for some time now, and combined it with a short break with some good friends.. We had a break near Bude last year and always said we would like to go back.. we had a lovely time...and it was lovely to met up with Angela after all this time, and see where my paintings will be living!

I only ever painting one like the Surf one.. so its unique,,

This one has been a favourite of mine...

And I love the shades of browns in the Birches,,,

After we delivered the pictures we went on into nearby Looe,,,

Some stunning scenery around the area...

the water is so clear,,, a lovely part of the world but such a long journey!

Here is my latest set of wheels-- my Dolly Trolly.. never thought it would come to this!  But needs must and all that.. After having 7 falls in less than 6 months to say I am nervous when walking is an understatement...and I feel a lot safer with this, plus its got a seat so I can sit down when I need to..My specialist thinks I have fibromyalgia as well as polymyalgia now, which explains to an extent why the steroids have stopped working and my pain and stiffness levels have gone through the roof..the reason I have not done my blog lately is because I get so much pain when typing on computer , I have to wait for a rare 'good' day in order to do it,, and I will no doubt suffer later.. I am on some new tablets to try and help the pain- they seemed to help at first but as seems to happen every time -they stop working after a short time..but they will keep trying me on new drugs,

We said goodbye to our van Bunty a couple of weeks ago...

it was a sad day.. but we have no need for her now , and she is going to be used as a florists van in the future, and she will be well looked after,,but have to admit , I shed a few tears as they drove off in her..

I am experimenting with a new method of painting-- one that does not involve brushes or holding my arms up..

completely different to what I have been doing previously...

and I am loving the effects I am getting...

still got some more to do to this one above, but I love the colours...

so much to see ,,

love the little white heart that appeared!!   I really must try harder to keep my blog up to date, but as I said it depends on how my health is..the painkillers knock me out so nothing gets done when I have had those!

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