Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013

Well as 2012 comes to an end and we welcome the new year 2013 in its a time to reflect whats gone on during the last 12 months.. We have met loads of new people who have attended the Painting My Way workshops--most of them walked into the room pretty much convinced they would be my first failure and that they would never be able to paint a picture that would be any good.  How lucky am I to be able to prove them wrong...nobody knows how I feel when the most nervous of folk settle down within minutes and start to relax , making decisions for themselves where to place a wave or a know they go home feeling so good about themselves is priceless to me..  To my students who are not in the best of health -we wish you well and hope you have a better year next year..(((HUGE HUGS))) to you all.  We hope that next year will bring some better weather and the big shows we normally attend will run as usual--we missed out on 5 shows and I think numbers will be down in the workshops due to that..I pick up quite a few students at the shows...but saying that I also get lots of students coming back and bringing new students with them, so may not be too bad!  Some of the workshops are almost full already....There will be a few new workshops coming up...and of course all the old favorites will be run several times..  Well Im off to have a lovely roast beef dinner with my lovely Bill...along with one or two drinks to welcome in the new we will see you all next year--will look forward to it very much indeed...The website has been updated and you can see where we will be -markets/shows etc -weather permitting  through to next Christmas. Workshops dates are done until Sept-so take a look !    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE XXX                                                                                                                                                                               

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone

Well Christmas is  almost here again--where has the time gone?           The year has flown by so quickly.   So much has happened too--the main event in my life has been the arrival of our little Christmas Elf---Tommy!!!!           Cant believe he is now 7 months old already!   He will be sitting at our dining table tucking into his first Christmas dinner on the 25th--he has got his 2 front teeth for Christmas so we will save the drumstick for him LOL..                                                                    On the painting side of things--apart from the horrible wet summer that meant that many of the shows we usually do were cancelled-it has been a great year.                                                                                                                                                      The workshops have been busy with lots of new faces as well as  of my regulars! Again we have met some wonderful people and made lifelong friends with many of them. We have created beautiful paintings,given people confidence they didn't have before and unleashed so much creative talent that was hidden away...we have laughed until we cryed as well-with many memorable moments in the workshops!                                                                                                                    I would be lying if I said it had all been easy and a doddle-because it hasn't....the weather has been against us all year--most of the Wednesday and Sunday markets have been wet, and if Bill had a £ for every time he hung the plastic back sheets to dry in the garage this year he would be rich..but we have carried on-and now have just the one this Sunday to do...we are off then  until the beginning of April--we may do the Sunday market in Feb and March weather permitting but that will be it--a lovely break from it and its well deserved!                                                                               The dates for next years workshops are on the website now                                                         Its coming up to the 9th year of my workshops in April and I'm pleased to say that the price of most of the workshops is still £35 -exactly the same as when I started 9 years ago....there are a couple of exceptions though- workshops using a chunky 12" x  24" canvas have gone up by £2 as these canvas have risen a lot in price this year,,,but that is only a couple of the workshops---Grasses and Mystical Moon.. The Yesterday workshop on the huge 40" x 12" canvas will remain the same at £45 and if you use either of those size canvas in The Birches workshops the price will be the same...  I will be updating the website over the Christmas period with the dates and places I will be during 2013 -markets and shows..well that's it for now folks---don't know if I will get back to do any updates before Christmas--we have family for the big day and Boxing Day and have our 2 lovely granddaughters coming to stay for a couple of nights Christmas week as well so we will be very busy...                                                                                                                                                        So a Huge MERRY, HEALTHY CHRISTMAS from me and Bill...see you all soon xxxxxxx

Monday, December 17, 2012

Poppy Workshop Dec 15th

The last workshop of 2012 was fantastic-- we had 11 in to paint the Big Poppy...using acrylic and melted wax plus some texturising mediums.Its a big canvas measuring 24in x 24in -above you can see everyone making a start ..
Karen and 2 others decided to use yellows and oranges instead of reds--and it worked lovely- very vibrant!
some found it easier to lay the painting flat and others used an easel..
Lesley adding the finishing touches to her beautiful painting..
David was painting for the first time...and what a brilliant job he made of his picture...

Dawn came down from the Wirrel again--but stopped in a local hotel that had a Groupon had time to relax and enjoy Ludlow as well!

It was lovely to see Carol again--she bought us a beautiful table centrepiece she had made --bless her.. She chose blue with a touch of purple for her poppy--love the combination of colours!
This will look beautiful on the big day on our dining table!

Emma's first time, she had quite a drive from Welshpool but really enjoyed herself! She was amazed at her results in such a short time!

Bev has been loads of times--and loved this subject as it is sooooo different to any of the other paintings I do..

Karen adding the melted wax detail..

Brenda getting handy with the iron!

Brenda bought along her daughter Caroline for the first time---she made a great job..surprised herself with the results!

Don't they look fantastic? Well done everyone!

the photos don't do the paintings justice..

all so different!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Reeds In Breeze Workshop

First time for Lorretta,,,
Audrey was also a first timer..
Joy was with us for the 4th  time...she bought along her friend Margaret ..
Margaret seemed to find it pretty easy-and no signs of nerves!
Sue was painting for the first time-she came along with her friend Viv who has been 3 times before--
I love the brown and ochre shades,,,a really natural look!
We had a real family affair here--Elaine bought along her 2 daughters and her granddaughter to paint..Elaine had been just once before--

daughter Jessica was painting for the 1st time-though you would never know it to see her painting..
12 year old Amy made a beautiful job of her painting..
And WOW--Rachel's grey version was just stunning... 2 nd time painting--I think everyone was chuffed to bits with their pictures..we had amazing results from them all...
Well Done everyone!
Beautiful Paintings ladies!

Fantastic pictures--well done!

Thursday, December 06, 2012


I have a couple of last minute cancellations due to work commitments for this Saturdays Reeds In The Breeze workshop....
You will have a choice of colours for this workshop-which is suitable for first time students of any age... if you would like to join me please contact me via the website

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Serenity Workshop Dec 1st

We  had a late start to the class yesterday due to sat navs going wrong! But never mind we caught up and finished on time!      I was a little annoyed that 2 people let me down without getting in touch to say they were not coming--I will not refund deposits in that instance...Jan make a cracking job of her painting ,,,but she has been loads of times so it comes a little easier for her--she doesn't have the fear that the first timers have of doing it wrong!
Dot and Patsy needed to sit so Bill sorted them out a different easel...we can cater for all sorts of people-just ask if you cant stand to do the painting-its no trouble to get you seated to do it!
Will came along with wife Alison..both first timers-and both went away very happy with what they created!
Alison chose the lovely green shades to do her painting in...its my favourite colour for this painting..
Lesley  was late getting to us but we soon caught up....this was her 2nd painting..
Margret was pretty convinced she would make a pigs ear out of it-having never painted before--so she was really happy the way her painting turned out...
Jac was another first timer--and also doubted she would paint anything any good!! Soon proved her wrong! Jac and Sue had quite a long journey from Newport South Wales--with a sat nav that sent them all round the wrekin, miles out of their way!
Sue adding the finishing touches with the snow on the fence posts...
Dot added some white to her big black cloud at the end and calmed it down a bit....its very easy to add a bit too much colour to the canvas-especially the first time you use it.. but most things can be put right with a wipe off with kitchen towel or using a wipe out tool,,or just adding a bit of white as Dot did here..
Patsy and Dot both go to the same art group nearby in Leominster..they want us to go there and do a smaller workshop maybe --as they only have a couple of hours or so.. watch this space!
Well done --great results everyone!

Saturday, December 01, 2012

New Exhibition

After taking down the exhibition down on Thursday at Bishops Castle we took the paintings back to Church Stretton to hang some of them there at the Lesiure Centre....
always difficult to decide which paintings to hang..
The huge 3ft square Waters Edge painting is one of my first big paintings....
The poppy paintings are always popular.....I have to go over and take down the big pink poppy on 4 canvas  that is hanging there as it been has sold from Facebook to one of my will be taking some more new ones up there shortly..
we were treated to a beautiful moonlit journey home.....
